Organizing Committee
Committee Members

Ann Armstrong
Ann Armstrong serves as the Social Enterprise Initiative Director at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. She is responsible for engaging students in the social economy, developing curriculum, and doing research. Ann teaches in the MBA, B.Comm and EDP programs. In 2009, she co-authored a text on Canada’s social economy with Jack Quarter and Laurie Mook. She has also co-authored texts in the fields of organizational behaviour and organization theory. Her research focuses on the social economy, with an emphasis on social and green businesses.

Brett Caraway
Brett Caraway is an Associate Director of the Digital Enterprise Management Program, with a cross appointment at the Institute of Management and Innovation and Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto.
Brett Caraway obtained his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin before coming to the University of Toronto in 2012. He is an associate professor in the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, & Technology (ICCIT) with a cross-appointment to the Institute for Management & Innovation (IMI). He is also the Program Director for the Digital Enterprise Management (DEM) program. Prof. Caraway’s research lies at the intersection of economics, the ecological impacts of technology, social movements, and media studies. His research has been published in prominent academic journals like Communication Theory, Environmental Communication, Information, Communication & Society, Media, Culture & Society, and the International Journal of Communication.

Shashi Kant
Dr.Shashi Kant is Director of Master of Science in Sustainability Management (MScSM) Program. Shashi is a Professor at the Institute for Management & Innovation (IMI). In addition to his administrative duties, he teaches two courses in the program; most fittingly, the first and last core courses; SSM1010Y – Principles of Sustainability Management and SSM1090H – Capstone: The Sustainable Enterprise.
He is Associate Editor of the Canadian Journal of Forest Research and Journal of Forest Economics. He has guest edited three special volumes of Forest Policy and Economics. He is a member of the selection committee for the Soren Wibe Prize in Forest Economics. He is the Coordinator of IUFRO Research Group on Forest Economics.

Yue Li
Yue Li, PHD, CPA, CMA is an Associate Director of the Master of Management & Professional Accounting Program and an Associate Professor at the Institute for Management & Innovation at the University of Toronto.
Yue has consulted for the World Resource Institute, an environment think-tank in Washington. He won best paper awards at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, the Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, and the Vernon Zimmerman Best Paper Award at the 29th Asia Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues. He has been invited to present his research papers in many universities in North American, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and China. He was a visiting scholar at the Ivey School of Business, Western University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Damian Maddalena
Damian Maddalena is an Associate Professor at the Insitute of Management and Innovation at the University of Toronto. His fields of Study are Environment & Climate, GIS, Spatial Analysis& Modelling, Physical Geography, and Rural.
His research looks at agricultural sustainability in a changing climate at various scales, with a focus on the interface between agricultural and natural systems. He is particularly interested in creating usable science that can inform decisions in the public and private sectors. Damian Maddalena has obtained his Ph.D. and MS from North Carolina University, and his MA and BS from West Virginia University.

Soo Min Toh
Soo Min Toh is the Director of Institute of Management and Innovation at the University of Toronto. She is also a Professor of Organization Behaviour & HR Management program.
Soo Min Toh’s main research interests deal with the interactions of sojourners with their host country co-workers and supervisors. She is interested in how these relationships affect the psychological, socio-cultural, and economic adaptation of the sojourners. She is also interested in the role of social undermining on the outcomes of immigrants. Currently, Soo Min is engaged in a research project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council examining how the experiences of new immigrants in Canada affect their long-term career success.

Tara Vinodrai
Dr. Tara Vinodrai is Director of the Master of Urban Innovation program and Associate Professor in the Institute for Management and Innovation at the University of Toronto. She holds a graduate appointment to the Department of Geography and Planning and is a Senior Associate at the Innovation Policy Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. Her research focuses on the dynamics of innovation, economic development, labour markets and technological change in cities. Her most recent work explores the relationships between housing affordability and economic development; clusters and innovation ecosystems; mechanisms for achieving inclusive innovation and economic development across generational and spatial divides; and the impact, adoption and use of disruptive technologies in emerging and traditional sectors.

Irene M. Wiecek
Irene M. Wiecek, FCPA, FCA, is a Professor, Teaching Stream at the University of Toronto, Institute for Management & Innovation with a cross appointment to the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management. She is the Director of the CPA-accredited Master of Management & Professional Accounting Program. In 2018, she founded and currently directs the BIGDataAIHUB at the Institute for Management & Innovation.
Irene has co-authored numerous books and publications including eight editions of the text Intermediate Accounting (by Kieso et al) for which she is one of two Canadian co-authors on the Canadian edition.

Michelle Atkinson
Organizing Committee
Michelle works with the Master of Science and Sustainability Management (MScSM) program at IMI at the University of Toronto Mississauga, supporting campus sustainability initiatives including the STTPA Conference, Sustainability Week, youth community programming, the Certificate of Completion in Global Sustainability, and the Sustainability Ambassadors Program. Her work at UofT has involved in cultivating meaningful community partnerships, experiential learning, civic and community engagement, and developing co-curricular programming that promotes both personal and social responsibility for students.